Literary Analysis — The Dance of Death

Overview: The Dance of Death is a short story written by English author Algernon Blackwood in 1927 and reprinted in a new edition along with other of his stories in 1963.

Análisis Literario — El Baile de la Muerte

Visión General: El Baile de la Muerte es un relato corto escrito por el autor inglés Algernon Blackwood en 1927 y que fue reimpreso en una nueva edición junto a otros de sus relatos en 1963.

Literary Analysis — The Pale Lady: The Monastery of Hango

Summary:  Hedwige regains consciousness in her room and asks for Grégoriska, but he has left for the monastery of Hango.  Kostaki's sudden death thwarts their escape plans.

Literary Analysis — The Pale Lady: The Two Brothers

Summary: Grégoriska and Kostaki fall in love with Hedwige at first sight. Each of them expresses their love for her in their own way: Grégoriska overflows her with attention, and Kostaki claims her as his and no one else's and that he'll kill her before giving her to another man.

Literary Analysis — The Pale Lady: The Brankovan Castle

Resumen: Upon arriving at the castle, Grégoriska receives more attention than Kostaki because of his status as master. And as soon as possible, Grégoriska orders a woman to take Hedwige to the waiting chamber.

Literary Analysis — The Pale Lady: The Carpathian Mountains

The Pale Lady is a work from the collection of supernatural tales titled The Thousand and One Ghosts , written by Alexandre Dumas in collaboration with Paul Bocage and Paul Lacroix in 1849.  The story of The Pale Lady was, probably, entirely written by Paul Bocage.

Análisis Literario — La Dama Pálida: El Monasterio de Hango

Resumen: Hedwige recobra la consciencia en su habitación y pregunta por Grégoriska, sin embargo, este ha partido al monasterio de Hango.  Sus planes de fuga se vieron frustrados por la repentina muerte de Kostaki.