Method of Analysis

Books, notes, and cookies.

About the Literary Analyses:

Everything in ONIKIRIMARU are originally notes for personal study of the stories I read or watch. 

The method of analysis used is the traditional one taught in Literature courses. I learned it from my English Literature teacher when I took the English program, and I use it whenever I want to better understand some story that has caught my attention for standing out in certain literary devices. 

Method of Analysis:

The analyses of each chapter cover:

  1. Information about the author(s).
  2. An overview of the work.
  3. An objective summary of the work itself.
  4. The style or how the idea of the main conflict is delivered, the point(s) of view, and the tone used to convey the main idea.
  5. A list of the transversal literary devices specific to each chapter or episode (mutable) —if any— including the list of themes, symbols, and conflict.
  6. A study of the references that were included in the story.
  7. A study of the foreshadowing used in each chapter and how they intertwine with future events taking place later in the story.
  8. An analysis of what happened character by character, considering their points of view, the literary elements that refer to them in particular, and how they relate to previous or later chapters if any.
  9. A bibliography if required.

There are analyses where I don't add a bibliography for what the symbols mean because many of their meanings I have learned over the years and it's something I simply know unless I indicate otherwise as a footnote and added to the bibliography. 

Special notes:

As the analyses I perform are originally intended for personal use, I add marks. All of them are listed here for those who read the analyses I have performed.

(*): Observations, conclusions, and/or explanations based on what the analyzed story states.

(**): More than one explanation or observation in an event based on what is exposed in the analyzed story.

(?): Speculation with some basis, but not confirmed by lack of details in the analyzed story.

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